Akron/Family. I need to see them.
Even though nobody reads this or ever will, listen to them. Its a fucking religious experience. Its a lightning bolt to the chest and a phonogram of information.
There's an immediate undeniable interest in their sound. It is somthing old, but it is somthing new. It's all about influences. It's all about context.
They couldn't work this well in any other time frame with any other sound. This is also why the Beatles can never happen again. This is what made me want to make music this year more than anything. Not to copy their sound, to drag it through the mud, but to use it as an influence. I want what they have. They have the immediacy of experimentation and improvisation in ambient noise, that can be channelled through any emotion, and they have the solidarity of structure, and of melody and song itself. Sure, things i make will sound like it at first, but its all relative. You've got to copy somthing to know whats going on sometimes. I dont want to copy things, and if i do, i want to do it right in the right context. I want to design the perfect situation, and the perfect sound for the perfect time in my life. I just can't devote one time in my life to making music now.
In the meantime i feel like stating main influences in things i want to make in organized noises:
The Beatles
Led Zeppelin
Animal Collective
...Trail of Dead
Bodies of Water
the Beach Boys
the Besnard Lakes
Queens of the Stone Age
Do Make Say Think
Godspeed You Black Emperor!
the Good the Bad and the Queen
the Kinks
Neil Young
Panda Bear
Red Sparowes
A Silver Mount Zion
Sufjan Stevens